Healthcare candidate guide

It is your responsibility, under current legislation, to take reasonable care for your own safety and that of colleagues or patients, while handling people or loads. It is also your responsibility to use all equipment in accordance with training and instructions received and to comply with existing policies on handling. You should consider the risks involved in any manual handling exercise.

Risks you should be aware of:

  • Lifting patients
  • Working in an awkward, unstable or crouched position, including bending forward, sideways or twisting the body
  • Lifting loads at arms length
  • Lifting with a starting (or finishing) position near the floor, or overhead or at arms length
  • Lifting an uneven load with the weight mainly on one side
  • Handling an uncooperative or falling patient (a careful assessment made in advance can minimise risks)

Follow the following basic handling rules in every case:

  • Prolonged loading of the spine should be avoided. Those who are inescapably exposed to prolonged spinal loading may require time for recovery
  • Always lift within the area of stability dictated by foot position and never risk a handling movement when off balance
  • Any heavy work done with the spine rotated or laterally flexed is dangerous
  • Loads for lifting should always be held close to the body
  • Never lift in front of the knees or to one side of them; lift between the knees
  • The vertical ‘dead lift’ must be avoided
  • Seek assistance if you cannot move the load safely
  • If you are a pregnant employee report any concerns you have and seek assistance
  • Use appropriate moving and handling, or lifting aids and report any shortfall or defects to the appropriate manager
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