Healthcare Candidate Guide

Policies and procedures

  • Unfortunately due to the nature of the service we provide, it is occasionally the case that a client will cancel a shift at short notice. This is generally due to a change in circumstances at the client’s place of work i.e. the number of people requiring care has reduced or a member of staff who was off sick has returned to work.

    Search adheres to various cancellation policies dependent upon the contract type. It is always our intention to ensure that candidates are treated fairly and any costs they have incurred are compensated where possible.

  • At Search, we believe you should love what you do, and we go the extra mile to make that happen with a positive and supportive culture and industry-leading training.

    We provide equal opportunities in employment, irrespective of sex, marital status, sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origin, gender identity, religion or belief, age, pregnancy or maternity, or disability.

    All Search associates have a personal responsibility for the implementation of this policy and are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. Search will not tolerate the victimisation, bullying, or harassment of associates.

    Read our Diversity & Inclusion Promise

  • Our clients place great emphasis on the importance of security, confidentiality and the integrity of the data in their businesses. You may be required to read carefully and ensure you understand the contents of certain documents e.g. a Confidentiality Agreement.

    In such instances you would be required to return the signed document/s to your consultant before you start that assignment. You will be required to wear a security badge at all times whilst at work on the premises of certain companies. Unless authorised by the company, associates must maintain absolute confidentiality in respect of all trade secrets, secret or confidential operations, know-how processes or dealings, computer programs and other intellectual property whatever and all information concerning the organisation, business finances, transactions and affairs of the client.

    During your time on an assignment, you may learn trade secrets or confidential information, which relates to the client. Unless you are required to do so in the proper performance of your duties, you must not:

    • Divulge or communicate to any person.
    • Use for your own purposes or for any purposes other than those of the client.
    • Cause any unauthorised disclosure, through any failure to exercise due care and attention, of; any trade secrets or confidential information relating to the client. You must at all times use your best endeavours to prevent publication or disclosure of any trade secrets or confidential information.

    By signing our Terms & Conditions, you acknowledge and agree that the company is permitted to hold and process personal information, including sensitive information, about you as part of its personnel and other business records and that the company may use such information in the course of the company’s business. You also acknowledge and agree that the company may disclose information (including sensitive information) about you to third parties if the company considers that to do so is required for the proper conduct of the company’s business or that of any associated company.

  • The email system operates in any company to improve company and inter-company communication. Email messages have been used as evidence in legal proceedings and it is common business practice to retain back-up copies. Email should not be assumed private, either internally or, in the event of legal action, externally.

    In some circumstances, the company may monitor and block email messages and they may be read by people other than the author and the recipient.

    Email systems and all of stored or transmitted data is the property of the company. The company therefore has the right to view or use this data as appropriate.

    It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not misuse any computer facility provided and ensure that no one is allowed to misuse yours. Our advice is to refrain from using company email and internet for personal use. This also applies to the use of telephones when working at any client.

    Breach of policy

    Penalties for breaching the company policies on email and internet use could range from suspension of email and internet facilities to action under a company disciplinary procedure.

  • Good records are essential to safe and effective service user care and should be:

    • Clear, legible and indelible
    • Factual and accurate
    • Written as soon after the event as possible
    • Signed, timed and dated

    Records should:

    • Be written with the involvement of the service user, client of their carer
    • Be written in terms the service user or client can understand
    • Be consecutive
    • Identify problems that have arisen and action taken to rectify them
    • Show care planned, decisions made, care delivered and information taken

    Please bear in mind that full records are essential should any questions be raised about the care and standards of care delivered.

Complaints, grievances & disciplinaries

Complaints, grievances & disciplinaries

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